Muhammad University of Islam's faculty and staff are excited to receive eager new learners for elementary and high school levels.
The admissions process begins with the completion of our pre-enrollment application.
Contact Muhammad University of Islam for details.

General School Information
Muhammad University of Islam is an independent, religious school of the Nation of Islam under the divine guidance and teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
M.U.I. serves students in grades kindergarten through high school.
M.U.I. brothers and sisters attend school separately.
Brothers attend classes in the mornings from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Sisters attend classes in the afternoon from 12:00 pm - 4:15 pm.
M.U.I. is a tuition based school.
M.U.I. academic calendar is 11 months out of the year (Sept-Aug).
M.U.I. students are required to adhere to the uniform dress code and code of conduct.
Currently, M.U.I. does not have a special education program or special education staffing, therefore we are unable to provide proper or adequate services to children with special needs.
A general assessment will be administered to each applicant before approval for enrollment. Students are assigned and placed based upon their current academic performance and assessment.
Muhammad University of Islam is a tuition based school. We are also grateful to the many charitable donations and contributions made to help support the education of the student.
To learn more about the annual tuition cost per student and school fees, please contact the main office (773-643-0700).
If you'd like to make a charitable donation to support the education of our wonderful students please send your donation to:
Mail (Check or Money Order):
Muhammad University of Islam
7351 South Stony Island Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60649
Thank you in advance for your contribution and May Allah (God) continue to bless you and your family.
Do brothers and sisters attend school at the same time?Brothers and sisters attend school at separate times. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that the nature of the male and female are different. Ofttimes they learn differently as well. Additionally, brothers and sisters attending classes together is a distraction. The focus of education is the acquiring of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Brother attend classes in the morning and sisters attend in the afternoon.
How long has Muhammad University of Islam been in existence?Muhammad University of Islam was established in the early 1930's out of the need for our people to be properly educated as well as taught and trained by their own teachers. In the rebuilding work of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, he re-established M.U.I. in 1989. We have a long history of educational excellence!